—Spaceship Body—
Dust of stars, fire of sun, air of trees, rainwater of oceans, formless spirit in a body of molecular motion.
"'One of the surest principles of science is that energy never dies; it can neither be created nor destroyed...Life has a non-linear dimensionality—it's like a perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse." —Robert Lanza, M.D.
"In fact, 98% of the atoms in the body are replaced yearly." —David Kestinbaum
"It's the same intelligence that's keeping your heart beating right now. Your heart beats over 2 gallons of blood per minute, over 100 gallons of blood in an hour, over 100,000 times in one day through 60,000 miles of blood vessels...Is there some greater Mind taking care of that for you so that you have that free will to experience life?"—Joe Dispenza
"Man is, in the full sense of the term, a 'miniature universe;' in him are all the matters of which the universe consists; the same forces, the same laws that govern the life of the universe, operate in him; therefore in studying man we can study the whole world, just as in studying the world we can study man." —George Gurdjieff
"In another place, Gurdjieff referred to the outer world of man, the inner world, and the innermost world, and this corresponds to body, soul, and spirit."—Andrew Phillip Smith
"You walk, you go for a morning walk; in a way you are moving, in a way you are not moving. Your body is moving, your mind is moving, but your consciousness is the same... something in you remains unmoving." —Osho
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." —Teilhard de Chardin
—Such is Now—